August 3, 2018

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

You can always write to us at regarding all your queries. However please go through the following Frequently Asked Questions for some general answers.

Why should I pick over other online training providers?

Well there are many reasons for it. You may find plenty of online six sigma training providers. We respect every profession and all these providers. However, many of these courses take a very high fee for these certifications nor they are globally recognized. This is a difficult situation for students and business start-up professionals. Moreover, many of these providers do not include the business case studies in their learning pathway and only focus either on industrial or business sector.

Learning with provides you with 100% scholarship to selected individuals (150 individuals) in each session and provides them with all the resources and software tools. In exchange, we expect a long and healthy partnership between our future projects if the certified individuals are interested in future. We provide more than 100 business case students and over 50 simulated business case studies. Moreover, we focus teaching with new automation tools like e-kanban, scrum and many business analysis and statistical software. Last but not the least our lean courses are targeted with a different approach of teaching. For example, we have different modules and learning materials for learning pathway for business and industries (pathway-I), healthcare (Pathway-II) and Services (Pathway-III). Most of the online and on-class lean six sigma training providers have a single module of teaching (for all professionals) which is a waste of time because many times people interested in improving the service or healthcare sectors may not be interested learning with the business and industry pathway and vice-versa.

Do you offer any printable materials?

We provide printable materials (ebooks, handouts and notes) for free to all the enrolled students. If you are interested in hard copies, you need to pay the shipping charges. However, all the required materials can completely be assessed online for free.

I am a Beginner. Took no lean and six sigma training before….where do I start?

If you are a beginner you may take six sigma white, yellow or green belt training (for green belt training, it’s always better if you are good at statistics). If you hold any green belt certificates from other recognized training agencies, you may apply for the Lean six sigma black belt scholarship. However, if you hold a Green Belt Certificate from, you are automatically selected for the Black Belt training and certification program. However, the scholarship form should be filled within 2 weeks of completion of Green Belt training courses.

I have a low academic qualification. Will I still be taken chosen for scholarships?

Scholarship and academic qualification have no relation to this program.  However professional experience is a good indicator of your healthy chances. We are interested in highly motivated individuals who can take business to next level with our training and certification. However, for Black Belt certification you need to present a copy of your degree certificate or your CV listing your business and service experience if any.

Where do I register and how will I know whether I am accepted or not in the program?

Please subscribe to us in the respective scholarship program or write to us at mentioning which program you want to apply. We will be providing you with the online application form and contact you via email if you are selected for the scholarships.

What kinds of lean and six sigma courses do you provide?

We provide you 100% online courses. For Six Sigma black belt scholarship winners we may need to verify your credentials so may ask you for a 10-minute live webcam interview.

I missed the scholarship application date. What shall I do to get and reserve my seat for next round?

The scholarships are always packed and we are not providing payable service now. If you missed any scholarships, write to us at and we will provide you with the complete information about next rounds of scholarships and programs. For now, we are not providing any payable service since we want to maintain a quality with our course and services.

I have questions on lean and six sigma belts and courses. Whom shall I contact?

Write to us at or fill the contact form at

Do I get verified certificates if I am chosen for the scholarship program?

Yes. You also need to provide softcopies of your photo if you are selected for the program so that you get a verified photo printed certificate.

Is any degree required to take the certification program?

As already described, scholarship and academic qualification have no relation to this program. We are interested in highly motivated individuals who can take business to next level with our training and certification. However, For Black Belt certification you need to present a copy of your degree certificate or your CV listing your business and service experience if any.